Rhode Island - Climate Change
This website serves as the State of Rhode Island’s primary portal for climate change and resiliency information and resources. It houses resources for various audiences, including RI citizens, State agencies, municipalities, non-profit organizations, and the business community.
Introduction to Climate Change - Rhode Island
Jul 3, 2024 · Resilient Rhody includes a valuable overview of Rhode Island’s changing climate, including sea level rise, warming air and water temperatures, storm frequency/intensity, biodiversity, and precipitation/flooding.
RI In The Fight Against Climate Change: A Snapshot - Rhode Island
Rhode Island is committed to the Paris Climate Accords, an agreement to address climate change by reducing human-induced heat trapping gases. RI completed an in-depth plan in 2016 for reducing its emissions.
EC4 Overview | Climate Change - Rhode Island
Sep 25, 2024 · The Resilient Rhode Island Act established the Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council (EC4) in 2014. It is updated by the 2021 Act on Climate which codifies specific greenhouse gas reduction targets, establishes two advisory bodies - the EC4 Advisory Board and the EC4 Science and Technical Advisory Board, and incorporates consideration ...
Act on Climate | Climate Change - Rhode Island
Read a full timeline of Rhode Island State Climate Actions with links to reports, plans, Executive Orders, legislation, and actions. Federal funds from the IIJA and IRA continue to flow into the state.
Policy & Legislation | Climate Change
Sep 13, 2021 · The new law, the Resilient Rhode Island Act, sets specific greenhouse gas reduction targets and incorporates consideration of climate change impacts into the powers and duties of all state agencies.
Resilient Rhody | Climate Change - Rhode Island
Rhode Islanders are seeing the impacts of climate change in our communities already so the actions included in the Strategy prioritize things we can begin work on now.
Governor's Climate Priorities | Climate Change - Rhode Island
Jul 1, 2018 · Rhode Island has worked to address climate change in numerous ways, including: In January 2020, the Governor signed an Executive Order advancing a 100% renewable electricity future for Rhode Island by 2030.
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Key Messages Rhode Island has warmed by more than 3°F over the past century. Under a higher emissions pathway, historically unprecedented warming is projected by the end of the 21st century. Increased intensity of heat waves is also projected, but a …
2025 Climate Action Strategy | Climate Change - Rhode Island
The 2025 Climate Action Strategy is the next step in our implementation of the Act on Climate which requires the state to incrementally reduce climate emissions to net-zero by 2050.