Bills requiring public schools in South Dakota to display and teach the Ten Commandments and to post the words “Under God, the People Rule” in every classroom were endorsed by ...
On Friday, Feb. 7, Rhoden signed his first bill as Governor, Senate Bill 7, which bans sanctuary cities in South Dakota.
Legislation requiring all classrooms display ‘Under God, the People Rule’ also heading to the House floor for a vote.
SB 51 will be heard in the House next week, and if it passes there, it will head to Gov. Larry Rhoden’s desk for final ...
The requirement for EID tags is the key change in the rule, not which animals require identification. Previously, a metal ear ...
Explore South Dakota's underrated scenic landscapes and rich cultural history on this stunning route that traverses the state ...
Occasionally opportunities present themselves to local governments to make improvements in the lives of their constituents and their communities. Often these opportunities come about following a ...
Flooding isn't a bad thing if it's controlled. Flooding is a bad thing when it affects homeowners,” said Joe Schroeder, ...
The prime rib comes with a lettuce wedge that’s crisp enough to make other salads jealous, a baked potato that’s fluffy on ...
A single-vehicle crash on US Highway 81, approximately nine miles south of Freeman, resulted in the death of a | Contact Police Accident Reports (888) 657-1460 for help if you were in this accident.
Icy road conditions led to three separate accidents at the I-29 and I-229 loop on Monday evening, resulting in | Contact Police Accident Reports (888) 657-1460 for help if you were in this accident.
The program gives incentives to city’s, designated as port authority’s, across the state of Nebraska to develop industrial ...