The Mahomet Township Road District Highway Commissioner Chris Doenitz appears to have been put on notice by the Attorney ...
In another defeat for Tiffany Henyard, Village of Dolton Mayor Pro Tem Jason House, and Trustees Brittney Norwood, Kiana Belcher, and Tammy Brown, filed for Temporary Restraining Orders against Dolton ...
Facebook user Joy Schreiber noticed that the Illinois Bingo License and Tax Act permits local governments to conduct BINGO games “subject to” the restriction of a $10 maximum prize value for each game ...
A Federal Grand Jury has issued another subpoena to the Village of Dolton requesting records of Mayor Tiffany Henyard and ...
Paris, IL. (ECWd) - Paris, Illinois Fire Department worked putting out a house fire at 507 South Central this afternoon. It started at approximately 4:30 this afternoon. The first few seconds of this ...
Over the years we have exposed more fraud related to handwritten timecards than imaginable.  Time Card Tuesday comes to mind ...
After last month’s county board approval of a cash-rent lease (more on that later) of the Shelby County Farm to the alleged ...
Mahomet Township’s attorney, Mr. Michael A. Kraft, thinks he can demand that previously provided records under FOIA be ...
Village of Dolton and Thornton Township employees and officials might consider taking advantage of this pilot self-reporting ...
This is another interesting election issue in Pecatonica Township where it is alleged that a candidate for township supervisor filed his petitions to run for the office, someone objected to his ...
ROCKFORD – Illinois State Police (ISP) Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) Zone 2 continues to uphold public integrity with a recent case involving charges against a former Jackson Charter School ...
Following our article on the Pecatonica Election Shenanigans, the township electoral board filed suit against the township clerk for her alleged favoritism in unilaterally removing “some” candidates ...