A spate of drills by China’s military in the Indo-Pacific is testing the Trump administration’s commitment to regional ...
Sinocyclocheilus xingrenensis, or the Xingren golden-lined fish, has a “golden yellow” body with a “slightly translucent ...
World Science & Tech News - China is building a "space station" in the South China Sea to explore the oceans and learn about ...
In a bid to exert its influence in its maritime neighbourhood, at least 221 naval deployments reached the ports of 18 ...
The research facility of cold-seep ecosystem, a megaproject whose launch was recently announced in South China's Guangdong ...
China’s assertion of power in the South China Sea has been a gradual yet systematic process. From building military outposts on artificial islands to deploying its vast maritime militia, Beijing has ...
A Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer sailed through the Taiwan Strait in early February in a challenge to China's ...
The U.S. is developing a new anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) designed to counter China’s growing naval power in the ...
United States Ambassador MaryKay Carlson joined top Philippine officials in a tour of the South China Sea and West Philippine ...
Four Chinese nationals arrested in January for alleged espionage were found to have led Chinese Communist Party-affiliated ...
Reaction to warships in Tasman Sea appears excessive, particularly when Australia dispatches forces to the Taiwan Strait and ...
Hellscape. That is the US military codename for the defence of Taiwan. Tens of thousands of autopilot kamikaze drones will ...