According to the NFIB data, the resulting fraud losses amounted to nearly £9m across around 5,000 reported cases last year.
Landlords have been boosted by a drop in voids during February. The latest data from Goodlord shows voids – the length of ...
Landlords are set to be hit with increased costs and complexity from the Renters' Rights Bill, Zoopla has warned.
Bridging loans are being increasingly used by landlords to purchase buy-to-let (BTL) properties, according to the latest ...
‘Tenancy deposit scheme’ was the most searched term in Oxford, as it was across 77 of the 78 analysed UK areas. Plymouth was ...
Landlords need more time and funding clarity on the Government’s energy efficiency ambitions, a minister has been told.
How Local SEO Strategies Can Benefit Landlords in Attracting Tenants In today’s digital era, having an online presence is ...
Extra Stamp Duty charges could have an impact on both mortgaged and cash purchases by landlords, Nationwide claims.
As landlords grapple with rising costs, experts are warning that tenants may be unknowingly invalidating their insurance.
Arto Property Maintenance is marketing its first year in business, describing it as a “roaring success.” The Birmingham-based ...
New research has revealed the “true cost” of being a landlord after property maintenance costs soared by 26.24% since 2022.
When the Renters’ Rights Bill gains Royal Assent – anticipated in March - the rental sector will have undergone one of its ...